The Sunflower: The Official Flower of Mermaid Society.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It’s what the sunflowers do.
— Hellen Keller

Did you know the sunflower is the official flower of the Mermaid Society?

The sunflower holds the oh-so-fancy title of being the official flower of the Mermaid Society! Here at Mermaid HQ’s, we're all about sprinkling joy and happiness across our community.

We're on a mission to create a sunflower movement in San Marcos! Sunflower seeds are like little packets of sunshine, and we're all in for that radiant, happy vibe they bring; it's all about sharing the love and friendship with our neighbors!

We firmly believe that the sunflower is like the secret handshake of the Mermaid Society, waving its petals and saying, "Hey, we're all about good vibes, high-fives, and underwater hi-jinks!" So, let's get those sunflower seeds in the ground and watch our city bloom into the happiest, friendliest place ever – just like the Mermaid Society intended!